Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work with backend projects?


Yes, currently there is support for Maven based project, the pom.xml file is used to resolve project name.

What is considered a single project?


In the context of Omniboard, a project is usually synonym with a repository. The @omniboard/analyzer will search for all the package.json (pom.xml) files and use the name of the one closest to the root as a project identifier. Nested files and resolved names will be stored as sub-projects names.

Do I need to be a regexp / XPath expert to be able to use Omniboard


No, while Omniboard does use regexp (for Content checks) and XPath (for XPath checks) it is important to keep in mind that useful insight can be retrieved with check as simple as matching all .java files with content deprecatedMethodCall().

Extracting structured data to feed into dashboard widgets can be as simple as matching team: '(?<team>.*)' in my-org.yaml file.

Omniboard also comes with integrated playground to test check against some sample content directly in the editor and every created check can be copied into clipboard to quickly execute against a real project in the CLI.

How can Omniboard integrate with our enterprise AD / SSO


Omniboard comes with Microsoft Azure integration as an Enterprise application out of the box. You can assign your user groups to Omniboard to grant them access and appropriate roles with just couple of clicks.

Custom integration can be done on case by case basis, please get in touch to learn more...

How does Omniboard handle monorepos?

Omniboard is best tailored for use case with many repositories which may contain more than one project but wont work that well for a single organization wide mono repo

In the context of Omniboard, a project is usually synonym with a repository but a single repository can contain more than one project.

The @omniboard/analyzer will search for all the package.json (pom.xml) files and use the name of the one closest to the root as a project identifier. Nested files and resolved names will be stored as sub-projects names.

This means that Omniboard supports monorepos but it might not be practical based on their size.

Exploring results in Omniboard is focuses on a concept of project which in case of organization wide monorepo would be just one project.

Where does Omniboard run and store the metadata sent by the analyzer?


Omniboard runs and stores all it's data in Zurich, Switzerland (Google Cloud Platform - Zone Europe West 6).

Is analyzer uploading my source code to the cloud for analysis?


No, the @omniboard/analyzer runs checks against your source code (or even generated artifacts) and uploads results of these checks (metadata) to the cloud for results exploration. The uploaded content is then just metadata describing the projects and results but NOT the projects themselves.

In theory, a check which matches everything could be constructed but such result will be rejected as the payload would be too large. The limits of how much data can be stored per check and per all checks for a project can be customized in Omniboard using the organization settings.

Something else?


Please, do not hesitate to get in touch in case you did not find answer to your question.